b. 2305, LaBarre, France, Earth. Raised on family farm, where father was a traditional vintner.

As a boy, played piano, built ships in bottles.

Applied for admission to Starfleet Academy at age 17 (2322), rejected.

Re-applied for admission to Starfleet Academy (2323), accepted.

Achieved top academic honors.

Only freshman ever to win Starfleet Academy Marathon on Danula II.

Graduated Academy (2327).

Stabbed through heart in fight with three Nausicaans at the Bonestell Recreation Facility on Starbase Earhart, received artificial heart; requires periodic routine replacement (2327).


While serving on U.S.S. Stargazer as a bridge officer of lieutenant rank, captain was killed in action, took command of bridge. Appointed captain of Stargazer (2335).

U.S.S. Stargazer attacked by Ferengi ship in 2355; Picard and surviving crew forced to abandon ship. Picard exonerated in routine court martial.

Appointed captain of Enterprise-D (the fifth Starship Enterprise) shortly after it was commissioned (2363).

Offered promotion to admiral (2364); declined.

Made Federation's first contact with the Borg (2365) after being transported deep into the Delta quadrant by Q.

Aided Ambassador Sarek in successfully negotiating the signing of treaty with Legarans (2366) by lending Sarek emotional stability via a Vulcan mind-meld. (Sarek had lost emotional control due to Bendii Syndrome.)

Abducted by the Borg during first Borg assault on Federation (2366); surgically transformed into an entity named Locutus of Borg and joined to Borg collective. Borg used Picard's knowledge in attack on Starfleet armada at Wolf 359, destroying 39 starships. Picard later rescued and surgically restored aboard Enterprise-D.

Served as Arbiter of Succession to Klingon Empire after death of Klingon leader K'mpec (2367).

Captured by Cardassians and tortured, but resisted and did not divulge tactical information. (2369).

Falsely reported killed by an energy-weapon on Dessica II (2370).


Amateur archeologist (published), studied under Richard Galen. Completed Galen's most notable discovery, the reconstruction of an ancient message demonstrating existence of a humanoid species at least 4 billion years ago, thought to be common ancestor of most humanoid species throughout the galaxy.

Musician; plays Ressikan flute as a result of receiving entire life-memories of Kamin, who lived on the planet Kataan one thousand years previous (2368).

Horseman; performs equestrian practice in Holodeck using holographic Arabian mare.

Other interests include drama, astrophysics.