Dossier 2
Ht: 6'2"
Wt: 148
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Caucasian DOB: March 18, 1968
Born: Newton, MA
Marital Status: Single


Designer Drug Chemist. Known to have created near-legendary hallucinogen "dust" and other high-priced thrill-drugs.

Graduated MIT at 17. After her lover died of brain cancer, she became obsessed with finding a cure, Became reclusive, celibate. Dropped out of Ph.D. program after her cancer thesis-proposal was rejected.

Has made millions in sale of illegal drugs but lives in Spartan conditions in Alphabet City section of NYC. Donates bulk of profits to charity anonymously.

Masquerades as faith-healer, but has apparently cured several cancer victims with use of unknown compound of her own design. (Side effects unknown.)

Master of disguise, Olympic-class runner, innovative chemist and inventor.